Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kitty Trouble

Is it just me or are the cats begging for love right now? We moved the food upstairs to my bedroom a few nights ago, and now they're always in there wanting something. Cindy attacks my feet at night (luckily her claws can’t get through my comforter) and she sleeps on top of my stomach. Sometimes I wonder if that cat has brain damage. Everyone is afraid of her but me. Cindy can’t hurt you!

Ugh. I miss having Tazy sleeping on my bed at night. She used to always sleep with me. Now I'm stuck with Cindy. Cindy is very funny to sleep with, but she can be annoying. Taz wouldn't attack my feet like that. She would sleep or purr all night long until I fell asleep.

Mowgli is like this big blob of back fuzz. He sits at the bottom of my dresser and waits for me to come over and feed him at night. Sometimes he'll meow to get my attention. Cindy does that too, only she scratches at my closet and meows really loud. Are my cats crazy? When I feed them at night all four of them are suddenly descending upon my room.

Boo bothers me 24/7 when I'm on the computer. He'll meow and brush against the chair asking for love. I give him as much as I can before he gets under the desk and I can’t reach him anymore. Sometimes he'll get on the couch and just stare at me with these big green eyes. I keep thinking the cats are trying to tell me something....

Oh well, it will remain a mystery. Now I must deal with Boo again...


Kelly said...

They are all trying to tell you that this house isn't big enough for all of us!!!

Anonymous said...

Sista, you haven't blogged in an awfully long time.

Anonymous said...

Oh... and the anonymous comment is from Sha... woops ;)