Thursday, March 19, 2009

Orthodontist, Day 2: The Spacers


Today I got my spacers. We had to sit in the waiting room for like....lets say fifteen minutes. Some lady was wearing really sexy pink shorts. I was so totally jealous. Jk. Anyway, the person who called me back was REALLY friendly. The seat I was in was blocked by some weird tray and while she’s talking to someone I'm standing there like an idiot trying to figure out how the heck to sit down. She finally came over and said, "You can just push that to the side. It moves." With that solved she got to my teeth. All she did was jam the spacers into my teeth (OMG THEY'RE BLUE) and tell me the rules. I cannot chew gum or eat anything sticky. So, yeah. The part where she jammed them into me was a little painful. It felt weird at first. The pain did not start until Mommy brought food home and I started chewing. Then every time I tried to close my mouth it hurt. Then I tried to eat pizza...It didn't work very well.

Oh well. I get my braces next week.


Bob Bowen said...

Can't wait to haer about the next visit!!!....braces!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh the fun we shall have with your headgear....

- Sha